
John Uchida

Making an Impact
Current job:
Space Age Credit Union
Years in the industry:
Previous positions held:
Assistant to the Manager, Manager, VP of Marketing, CEO
How did you get into the CU world?
I was working for a bank and decided I did not want to wait for 30 years to have a position where I could make an impact and have a great deal of authority, so I took a pay cut to get into the credit union world and have never regretted making that move.
What are you looking forward to in terms of your future in the industry?
I believe the future is based upon securing a niche and staying ahead of the banks on delivery systems.
Do you think your ideas matter more here than at other places you have worked?
Absolutely that is why I came to work for Credit Unions. My ideas and opinions make a huge impact.
Is your credit union involved with community service or literacy programs?
Yes, we get involved a lot. At Machebeuf High School we do a career day for students and invite a variety of speakers for the kids to listen to about careers. For three years we have been teaching for the National Endowment for Financial Education (free program) to any educator. We teach High School kids about credit, careers, money and the like We are also partnering with elementary schools and to read to kids.
If you could only say one thing to someone interested in working for a Credit Union what would it be?
“Find out what you are missing.” There are great opportunities to make an impact in Credit Unions. I have never worked a day that I have not looked forward to coming to work. There were good years and bad years, good days and bad days, but I still always looked forward to coming to work. I’ve hired a lot of bankers and every one of them love the change. They actually have the authority to make a difference here where the corporate structure isn’t so big.